The Stardom Show From Philly - You Are Looking Live...

It starts with a little walk down the street in South Philly…

I think it is wise to start with a mention of the area, South Philly is the side of town where so much has happened. Cars parked in areas that shouldn’t exist. FDR Park, Wolf Street, Pat’s and Geno’s on either end. The Sports Complexes. But near the river, not far from industrial eras from a time long past, where America was running, humming - steel from Pittsburgh, refined in Jackson Street, sent down the tracks to the shipyard where its shipped to build the war machine, the skyscraper machine, the space machines, the star machines.

It is here, we see the ECW Arena, now called 2300 Arena. This was a storage house for decades, then a place for the mummers to practice. In 1993, for $1,000 each time - a company named Eastern Championship Wrestling. It later became Extreme Championship Wrestling and the world would never be the same again.

The venue changed several times- but it hasn’t been the same since then. But going there is like Easter Sunday Mass, a occasion unlike anything outside Augusta, Georgia and the myriad of places all over the world that have the spiritual significance of Sport.

Stardom should not have survived, what would have destroyed many companies. Loss of their bigger stars, both to other companies and America. Future stars that should have been bigger than anything, tragically cut short. A new company took over and it seems things were going into the right track, but now disagreements have split the company and the creator of Stardom has left to create a new company. They should have been done.

But something has been the constant - Mayu Iwatani has stood as a rock through all of this. One of the biggest stars in Joshi Pro Wrestling, she is proof that greatness comes from those many least expect.

So Stardom, along with many other companies - their sisterly rivals Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling will be doing the show in the morning in another location being one of these companies - have all come to Philadelphia - to give thanks to a Joshi Legend (Bull Nakano) and to promote their companies.

It has always been about survival… these streets of Philadelphia, home to the legacy of human freedom and the revolution in the 90’s that others in parallel worked in tandem to reinforce the same freedom, all nations start the process of returning to the hope of freedom to start the great anniversary - where all mankind yearned for it - dreamed about it - prayed to the Creator for it and still will reach the same - they all come for the start of the many celebrations yet to come.

The show started at 3:00, I was a tiny bit late because it takes a bit to get there - the second stage (which holds a lot) is where two shows were going to scheduled there - this was the first show of the two.

You enter through a lower alcove where they stamp your hands and you enter the large area.

Think about this, TV has done a great job when it done right with Pro Wrestling. But seeing it live is a different thing all together. When your bones, feel it - its because its history of this stage? Its nothing that can be described here. Understand when power moves are made, they are made and the ground jumps. Suplexes are no joke. Its night and day.

Match One: Mei Seira vs Ram Kaichow (666) vs Saki Kashima (God’s Eye) ~High Speed Championship~

Match One

I don’t think how Kashima has been doing well as of late as the more “comedic” wrestler who can go if allowed to. Ram Kaichow has been in the wrestling word since age 9 (like Riho), and is one of the best heels in the world bar none. Mei Seira is a literal savant, crisp in every way that matters. The match was serviceable with a shocking title change back to Kashima for her second title win with the High Speed.

Winner: Saki Kashima (God’s Eye) ~New High Speed Champion (Second)~

Match Two: AZM [Pronounced Azumi](Queens Quest) Saya Kamitami (Queens Quest) Camron Branae vs Dark Stardust Kid (Odeo Tai) Momo Watanabe (Odeo Tai) and Stephanie Vaquer (CMLL) {CMLL Womans Champion} {New Japan Strong Womens Champion}

AZM and Vaquer will have a match for the New Japan Strong Women’s Championship in the next week in Chicago. Today however I got see those two, AZM’s biggest rival, Dark Stardust Kid, Momo Watanabe, Saya (Called Big Saya) Kamitami and Camron Branae.

Let me tell you something about Momo Watanabe. There have been suspicions to the fact that she has been bullied by management as she was in a story-line when she was going to betray queens quest to go to Odeo Tai. Management felt she was overweight. The rumors abound if it was true or it wasn’t came from a certain poster from a message board. This is a story that needs to be put to bed. Momo Watanabe is one of the best wrestlers, men or women in the world right now. And the love she got from the Philly crowd finally gave her smile back.

Dark Stardust Kid also got the same bullied message relayed from the same message board user. There was also something worse that happened to her that isnt the purview of this review of the show. Philly gave her smile back in many ways than one.

Above all of this, Vaquer is an absolute star and worked so well with Kid and Momo. The whole match was enjoyable.

Winner - Odeo Tai (Momo Watanabe and Dark Stardust Kid) with Stephanie Vaquer (Vaquer pinned Branae)

After the Match, AZM got into the face of Vaquer - knowing that she is the next person to fight for the Strong Title.

Match Three: Syuri, Konami (God’s Eye) vs Willow Nightingale (All Elite Wrestling) and SAKI (Colors/Cosmic Angels)

Willow Nightingale is better live than she is on TV and that is NOT a knock on any of the TV Production in AEW. No, wrestling is much different live than it is on TV, as i mentioned at the top of this review. Willow is one of the reasons why.

I think Konami has shown that her semi-sabbatical - she is truly a joy to watch and one of the reasons why I chose to be in this show was because I had a feeling she was going to be there and I was correct. She looked so happy. And everybody showed our appreciation for her. Anybody who is a honest fan of this business needs her back in the ring.

Syuri Kondo is one of the best in the world. The way she was treated in the UFC was uncalled for and even though I have enough space to talk about this - this space is meant for and meant towards this show and the wrestlers in them.

SAKI looked really strong in parts but Willow did great work in this match which was - again, too short than it needed to be.

Winner: Willow Nightingale (Pinned Konami)

Match Four: Xia Brookside, Mariah May, Mina Shirakawa (EXV) {Artist of Stardom Champion} vs Mayu Iwatani {IWGP Womens Champion}, Momo Kohgo (Stars) Tam Nakano (Cosmic Angels)

The tastiest match of the night and looking back at it, the best match of the night between it and the main event. On one side, you have the return of the members of Club Venus (now EXV) when they were a division mostly of Cosmic Angels. I want you folks to understand something because despite Mariah returning back to Stardom, which was a great and grand gesture on Tony Khan’s Part - More on that in a bit, it was Mina’s match, because she has had history with Tam Nakano still - she has designs on the IWGP women’s title (which is held by Mayu Iwatani), she been having playful banter with Mariah May - her former Tag Team Partner as Rose Gold.

Now imagine if you never watched any Stardom matches that May was in. You just watched the AEW matches she has been in. She is fast. Now imagine that you did see the Stardom matches. She faster than she is in AEW. Guess what. SHE WAS FASTER THAN THAT in this match. That was insane.

The match was freeflowing and again, short. There was funny moments - great moves and everything you wanted out of this match. I saw it live, not going to forget it.

And then the surprise? TONI STORM (ROBINSON)! WHAT? She came out to thank Stardom (AWW), and to give Mariah her flowers. Mina was a bit perplexed. Toni states that there is a Forbidden Door Open - and Mina is accepting that offer. So we got a future AEW Womens World Championship Match between Toni and Mina for Mariah’s affections? All three left the ring…as Toni Sized Up Mina and she did the same back.

That was crazy. Forbidden Door will have Stardom Representation and not only that - the opportunity for Mina will be insane if she can pull it off - which makes Tam’s rivalry with Mina reach new highs because Tam has always seen Mina as second best, and what will obviously be the tensions between Maika and Mina over EXV and either world’s championships if it happens. They see way too much upside for Mina and it shows.

Main Event: Megan Bayne vs Maika (EXV) {World of Stardom Woman’s World Champion} {Artist of Stardom Champion} ~World of Stardom World Championship~

The final match of the night was the return of Megan Bayne to Stardom vs her former Tag Team Partner Maika, the world champion for Stardom. This is one of the rare times that the championship was done outside of Japan. So it was a very nice surprise.

The match didn’t disappoint. I respect Blaine highly. Talk, imposing and rampages through anything. I feel she is Sid or if lucky? Vader in the future. Maika as champion is bringing people the seats not because they dont like her - they do, but wondering if she is going to lose the title and to whom because her record isn’t as stellar as others.

The match showed why Maika is a deeply, underrated power wrestler. Taka Michinoku trained Maika and many others and you can see his influence. Another name that was popular in ECW still keeping that legacy alive.

The desperation move that Maika made was out of this world. Everybody thought the match was over, but it wasn’t - had to get a second one in to win the match.

Winner: Malkia (EXV) (Michinoku Driver)

After the match, hugs from Megan; but here comes Momo Watanabe - says Yokohama - will be the day she wins it all. Things have gotten interesting in both Stardom and AEW. Momo leaves, and Maika sends the crowd home happy as both she and Megan leave the ring.

It ends in the stars above…

I had to sit down for a minute. To take in what I have seen on Thursday.

This most holy of grounds in wrestling, nay - a nation.

I never expected Stardom would come here this quickly. But they did. And it was successful.

But the thing that was missing was a lot.

Stardom lost big stars after March 31, Utami, Guilia (who was some miles up the road) MIRAI, Mai etc. They should have been here.

But I also felt Hana’s presence - she was at the New York show in 2019 - and the crowd went all over the stage to get her autograph. She should have been here. And at least a part of her was here.

I got up and only saw a Glimpse of Ram and SAKI, as i left the building - a historic building - next to the old Jackson street complex, remnants of a old America, Steel to building, to war, to glory, to freedom…Mankind’s.

I walked all the way down the road, looking at the fans - some talking about tribalism, others amazed what these women can do, still others ready for the other shows during the rest of the week and weekend.

To me it was putting my stances on wrestling where it belongs, money for a ticket to see the best in the world. Not the tik-tok dancing, not the models on a magazine, not the starlets who may or may not want to be in AV when they will never have the talent nor the temerity for that kind and line of work, or the only fans body market. Not those who can make men fold or those that hate men and will never change for it. Not for the men who cant keep their mouth shut, or companies already in major trouble with the law and the nation that enforces same, having another company in their mouths and on their tongues every other sentence. No; because our society puts pretty women and their God Given Beauty real or imagined, as seen and shown as the lowly prostitute, who knows nothing, does less and become statues of lack of a living soul.

It never had to be that way. This nation should have stopped it. That a woman’s worth was how much for her body and soul and even that had to be fought over yet again and yet again, that men dont have to bullshit other men into the bullshit of protection of the women that actually desire these men. That a drawing is not a call for losing a job or a loved one. But as we see with a certain company who is celebrating the 40th anniversary of a show that put them on the map - the best laid plans of mice and men and human memory is o’er short.

Philadelphia was once called the American Paris - and Japan emulated that city in Tokyo. So it is no wonder where the art museum is, the center of the city - that those that have been Dissed by companies and bookers that should have known better - gain back their smiles and their joy. Momo was Happy and so was Kid and So was Syuri and Saki. Mayu and Konami helped others. TJPW’s champion was happy too to the point that she broke a camera - and others had drinks. They ate Philadelphia food like it was going out of style.

But they were human beings. Not tracked, not watched over. No crazy people asking for autographs. Just human beings. And maybe for those moments - it will carry them no matter what the struggles they will face in the future.

Its what Hana would have wanted.

And in a way, she was there with them as well, smiling - eating, enjoying life.

That is the Phantom Pain that will always will be with us.

And a reminder, of how life brings us great joy from the greatest of sorrows -

Makoto said it best -

Pro Wrestling is for those that have a soul, that wishes to wash the dust of the world off for a little while.

To see notes from the event - click below